Rick Patrickreporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Friday, July 29, the Florida Department of Health issued a statement that the precautionary health advisory for the Withlacoochee River had been lifted. This decision was based on results…
Windstream set to bring broadband to Hamilton County
Lee TrawickReporter2@riverbendnews.org Hamilton County is set in rural north Florida, where the internet is outdated compared to today’s technology. For years, unfortunately, the cost outweighed the production of bringing in better service….
High-speed internet, coming to a home near you
Christian PetersonReporter@riverbendnews.org On Tuesday, July 26, the Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) invited members, elected officials and business partners to a special announcement. Suwannee County Commissioners, Hamilton County Commissioners, Live Oak City…
Live Oak Community Drum Circle to hold first gathering at Millenium Park
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org Enjoy a family-friendly, multicultural music experience with the first ever Live Oak Community Drum Circle. The group will gather at Millenium Park with various instruments, including drums, shakers, flutes, bells,…
Have sweet, tasty fun at Kizzy’s Ice Cream Social
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org Kizzy L. Burch is a native of White Springs. She is married to Daren Burch and has two adult children, Terrill and Ayanna. Burch works for the Hamilton School District…
Sports registration is open for Hamilton County Parks and Rec
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org Hamilton County Parks and Recreation has opened its baseball and softball registration. The deadline for registration is Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. For children three to four-years-old, registration is $35; for…
Suwannee River Elite 12u competes in World Series
Lee TrawickReporter2@riverbendnews.org The Suwannee River Elite (SRE) 12u travel softball team consists of girls from Branford, Lafayette and surrounding areas. This team has played together for several years now. They began the…
Local BETA Clubs thrive in national competition
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org The National BETA Club is an organization for fourth through 12th grade students with the purpose of promoting ideas of academic achievement, character, leadership and service among elementary and high…
Community Presbyterian Church’s summer camp was a blast!
Christian PetersonReporter@riverbendnews.org On Monday, July 18, Community Presbyterian Church (CPC) set off on another adventure for the summer. They began the seven hour trek from the church to Ridgehaven a camp in…
John S. Nobles
John S. Nobles, age 92, of Columbus, Ga., passed away on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Nobles was born June 1, 1930, in Van Nuys, Calif.Nobles is survived by his loving wife, Rozzie…
Jeannette “Jan” Estep
Jeannette “Jan” Estep, 82, of Live Oak, Fla., passed away on Thursday, June 30, 2022. Estep was born on March 14, 1940, in Watertown, S.D., to the late Eva (Davis) and Oliver…
Joy Smith
Joy Smith, age 89, of Branford, Fla., passed away Saturday, July 16, at her home following a brief illness. She was born on Sept. 29, 1932, in Boston, Ga., living most of…
Do you recognize this person?
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org The pictured individual was photographed at the scene of a burglary in the 9400 block of 105th Drive near Itchetucknee Trailer Park (Ross Trailer Park), according to the Suwannee County…
Hueston Morrill signs with the New York Yankees
Lee TrawickReporter2@riverbendnews.org Hueston Morrill is a Suwannee High School graduate class of 2018. As a member of the Bulldogs, Morrill had a storied career, beginning with his ability to perform as a…
Bo Bonds signs with Blue Jays
Lee TrawickReporter2@riverbendnews.org Bo Bonds is a Suwannee High School (SHS) graduate and a member of the 2019 Bulldogs baseball Final Four team. Bonds dominated the high school ranks, where he graduated with…
Pastor spotlight: Steve Boyd of Hatchbend Apostolic Church
Grace McAlisterReporter1@riverbendnews.org Steve Boyd was born on May 9, 1962, in Winter Haven, Fla., but at a very young age, his mother and father moved to Hatchbend. He lived there until graduation…
Live Oak 386, your hometown Gospel rap
Christian PetersonReporter@riverbendnews.org Trenton Anderson is a well-known man throughout Suwannee County, but he is even better known by his musical persona, Live Oak 386. Born on May 13, 1987, Live Oak 386…