In life, sometimes, we all tend to get caught up with our own emotions and problems and we seem to let those emotions run our lives. Especially in the times we are living in today; for it’s a crazy world out there. Some people are scared to even leave their house. Some are fearful for their loved ones. Some are dealing with sickness and death. Some are afraid of losing their job or their business. Many, in the bigger cities, are afraid of looting and/or massive destruction to their businesses; while others, in those same big cities, are afraid for their lives because of the riots.
A lot of people are still working from home, many businesses are still shut down and many other businesses are operating on reduced operating hours and/or reduced employment. All business owners are watching every penny spent and wondering if they will survive for another year or lose their every hope and dream along with every single bit of money they have invested into their businesses.
We have been told not to shake hands or hug anyone and we are all supposed to stand six-feet apart at all times. We have been cut off from our family and friends that are in the hospital or nursing homes and we cry as we know some of them are dying alone (even those that are dying from natural causes other than COVID).
On top of all of this, we have states, counties, cities and certain businesses that are trying to tell us what we can and cannot do, in life in general. Mass protests and marches are happening in countless cities while churches, on the other hand, are being told not to hold worship services. People are showing up by the hundreds to protest voting in person while funeral homes are being told that no more than 60 people are allowed to attend a funeral.
Some schools are allowing children to go to school while others are mandating online only. Parents are stressed out and students are stressed out.
Everyone, in general, is stressed out. We are all sick and tired of living like this and see no end in sight for any immediate relief. We ALL are living this together! We ALL are experiencing this same brokenness together! We ALL feel the pain and sadness of this weird life we are stuck in, for the moment. But … Please be nice to other people!
There’s a lot to learn about people, during these trying times … “Is this virus bringing out the worst in people or is this virus bringing out the “real” in people?”
We’ve all seen the videos or heard the horror stories of people wearing masks walking up to people not wearing masks and yelling hateful slurs or obscenities. Or when someone coughs, while standing in a check-out line, and the person in front of them yells, “Stop coughing on me!”
A friend told me she and her sister-in-law (who all live in the same house together) were out shopping and someone yelled at them because they weren’t keeping six feet between them.
I had someone make a shrewd remark, to me, about hoping my “elderly parents’ health” was okay, because I said I don’t wear a mask. I saw a video of a woman yelling at a young mother and her two children saying, “I hope you all die” because they didn’t have masks on.
So, again I ask, “Is this virus bringing out the worst in people or is this virus bringing out the “real” in people?”
I encourage everyone to ask themselves that question. Especially if you are the one making the horrid comments and gestures.
In life in general, when some people do nothing but jab fingers and say ugly remarks about others… we have names for people like that! What makes it any different when masks are involved? If everything that comes out of someone’s mouth is derogatory, is it because the virus or stress made them do it, or is it because it is in their heart?
“It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” – Matthew 15:11
“But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and it is those things that make a person unclean. It is out of the heart that evil thoughts come….” - Matthew 15:18-19
Think about it!