U.S. Department of Agriculture
As a part of a grant project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the University of Florida (UF) invites current and aspiring Florida farmers to participate in a survey designed to identify information and training needs, with a special focus on small farms, urban farms and alternative enterprises. The survey also seeks insights into farmers' preferences for networking, information sharing, and mentoring opportunities. The UF research team is also recruiting farmers to participate in interviews or focus groups on this topic. At the end of the survey, farmers can provide their contact information if they would like to participate in an interview or focus group. The information that participants provide will guide the development of educational tools, resources and training programs to better support the needs of Florida farmers. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Questions will be about the respondent's farming experience, operation (if applicable), training needs and interest in networking and mentoring opportunities. Anyone wishing to participate or seeking more information can link to bit.ly/FloridaFarmerNeeds.