Kim Griffin, Suwannee County UF/IFAS Extension
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. During this time of year, we highlight the importance of vaccinations for people of all ages. Vaccines are not just for kids because they offer numerous benefits for adults. When adults are vaccinated, they have the power to protect themselves against shingles, flu, pneumonia and COVID-19. In our ever-changing world, it’s extremely important to understand how adult vaccinations help safeguard your health and the health of your loved ones.
How do vaccines work?
- Vaccines work with your body’s natural defenses to help safely provide protection against diseases.
Why are vaccines important?
- They lower your chances of contracting certain diseases.
- They lower your chances of spreading certain diseases.
- They can decrease the severity of the illnesses.
- They have reduced or eliminated diseases that previously harmed people of all ages.
- They can help people with chronic conditions suffer less severe illnesses.
What vaccines are recommended for me?
- Ask your doctor about the vaccines you may need for your age and health conditions.
- Use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC’s) adult vaccination assessment tool to see the vaccinations recommended for you. Check it out here:
What vaccines should I be aware of?
- Flu vaccine
- Recommended for persons six months of age and older with rare exceptions.
- Lowers your risk of flu-related heart attacks or other flu-related complications.
- Flu season typically lasts from October to May.
- Shingles vaccine
- Recommended for adults 50 years of age and older.
- Recommended for adults 19 years of age and older who have a weakened immune system.
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Recommended for adults 65 years or older.
- Recommended for adults 19 years of age and older with certain medical conditions.
- Protects against pneumococcal infections, also known as pneumonia.
- COVID-19 vaccine
- Recommended for persons six months of age and older.
- Available and effective at protecting against COVID-19 disease, severe illness, hospitalization and death.
- Every COVID-19 vaccination gets us closer to the end of the pandemic.
Are you too busy to get sick? Then get your vaccinations to stay healthy and protect the health of your family and friends. Vaccinations can offer you a little peace of mind and, during these times, peace of mind is priceless!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccines and Immunization (2021, February). Retrieved from
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Suwannee UF/IFAS Extension