With more and more states and cities mandating face mask requirements, we are finding more and more of our freedoms slowly being taken away.
While the “maskers” are antagonizing the “anti-maskers” by saying “anti-maskers don’t care about others” or by saying “this has nothing to do with control,” consider this….
The government, as a whole, is designed to devour as much money, resources and followers as it possibly can. Governments are never static; they always grow. Communism, socialism, imperialism, and statism are all different ends accomplished through the same means; oppressive, absolute government control over the individual.
For the last five-and-a-half months, politicians have been destroying our economy. They are wrecking and/or killing small businesses, ruining the job force, stealing our money and our children’s future. But so many people are so distracted with worrying and arguing about “Stay home. Save lives” and “Masks save lives” or arguing over which political party is to blame and/or which presidential candidate can/could handle the situation better that they don’t even realize their freedoms are being stripped out from underneath them.
Stripping our right to bear arms and the freedom of which type of guns we are allowed to own is no different than “mandating” what we can wear and not wear (masks), which businesses can remain open and which ones must close, when and how a business can be open, how many people are allowed in a business at one time, how far apart we must stand from someone else, and the list goes on. And if it couldn’t get any worse … people are actually being fined and/or arrested for breaking these new “laws.”
This is a war within our own American borders. The government vs. the people; and “we the people” need to unite together before we are overthrown. As it stands now, “we the people” are divided into two groups. One group believes in liberty, as described in the Declaration of Independence. The other group believes that the definition of liberty must evolve with the times.
Our forefathers wrote the Constitution of the United States for us to live by. Year after year our rights are slowly being stripped away.
It’s the boiling frog effect…
If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it would jump out immediately; equating the high temperature with risk. But if the frog is placed in a pot of cool water he thinks, “Ah, this is nice, I think I will float around here for a while.” Then, the heat is slowly turned up under the pot. Being a cold-blooded creature, the frog’s blood slowly adapts to the new temperature and the frog will remain in the pot, not detecting the threat. Pretty soon, however, the heat is quite high and it then reaches a boiling point and so is the frog’s blood. He is dead. The frog's survival instincts are honed to detect and respond to immediate risks and sudden changes; risks that are of a subtle or gradual nature are largely ignored or written off as normal.
The boiled frog story reminds us that risk is everywhere, and that we need to be sensitive to change, even of a gradual nature, lest we suffer the fate of the frog.
Think about that!