Jason Futch
The Suwannee-Lafayette Retired Teachers Association (SLRTA) will be participating in this year's Cupid's Crew event, sponsored by AARP through the Wish of a Lifetime Foundation. This project will be a joint effort with the Live Oak Garden Club and Airline Church to distribute roses and Valentine's Day cards to seniors in some form of isolation or need of some kindness or recognition. AARP chose the SLRTA to participate in this year's event, which will provide some love for local seniors. A list of events has been rolled out by the SLRTA that will lead up to the Friday, Feb. 14 Cupid's Crew deliveries to seniors in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and elsewhere throughout the area. On Thursday, Jan. 23, the team will be hosting a Valentine's Day cardmaking party for both Cupid's Crew and The Arc at 10:30 a.m. at the Live Oak Garden Club at 1300 SW 11th Ave. On Wednesday, Jan. 12, the roses and cards will be prepared and sorted at the Live Oak Garden Club, where the SLRTA is expecting to sort over 300 roses and cards. The sorting party will ultimately lead to the Feb. 14 delivery to various nursing homes and rehabilitation centers in Live Oak, Dowling Park and Mayo by Cupid's Crew. "It was an honor for AARP to select us for this year's Cupid's Crew," said Dorothy Bradley with the SLRTA. "We hope we can warm the hearts of those who receive these gifts."