Jason Futch
Sher Khan, a cherished resident of the Mystic Jungle Educational Facility, passed away at the age of 14 after a prolonged illness. Sher Khan was a highlight of Mystic Jungle and held a special place in the heart of the facility's founder, Vera Chaples. "He was my four-legged son," Chaples expressed. "He changed many lives during his time here." She emphasized his laid-back demeanor and friendly nature toward visitors. As an Indian leopard, Sher Khan cohabited with his brother, Keeper, who is also a spotted Indian leopard. However, Sher Khan was a melanistic leopard, which made him more susceptible to certain illnesses. For years, he dealt with an autoimmune deficiency that restricted his activities. Nevertheless, he continued to captivate the crowds that visited the educational facility. Following the announcement of Sher Khan's passing, many who knew him shared their condolences. Sher Khan was born at the Mystic Jungle Educational Facility on Sept. 4, 2010, alongside his brother, Keeper. He also had an older sister, Fury, who was born a few months earlier at another facility but passed away in August 2024. "As he grew up at the facility, we had to earn his trust," Chaples explained. "With leopards or any larger cats, respect must be earned. With Sher Khan, we built that trust." Sher Khan was frequently featured during walking tours and enjoyed interacting with the visitors. Unlike a traditional zoo, the facility allowed people to witness the level of care given to Sher Khan. "It's more personal," Chaples noted. As Sher Khan approached the end of his life, he required constant monitoring and medication to help alleviate his discomfort. Sadly, despite the love and care he received, Sher Khan's journey came to an end on Monday, Jan. 13. "I have no words...Sher Khan is gone," Chaples posted on social media shortly after his passing. "He was a huge part of our Saturday tours. He was a star." Sher Khan leaves behind his brother, Keeper, who will continue to represent the Indian leopards. He has been laid to rest in the facility's memorial garden beside his parents and sister, Fury. "Sher Khan was more than just a big cat," Chaples said. "He was the community's cat."