Eric Musgrove
It is very interesting to read through old documents and newspapers to see how people lived before us. One of the most fascinating aspects of this research is to learn about the problems facing our ancestors. Some of these problems could be quite serious, like the Spanish Influenza and Yellow Fever epidemics that struck in the late 1800s and early 1900s (and of which we got a similar taste while dealing with COVID-19 in 2020 and beyond). Other problems were a product of the times. One such article appeared in a March 1919 edition of the Suwannee Democrat, addressing a persistent problem then but one we don't bat an eye at today: "J. F. Kinkaid, city marshall (sic), issued the following order: "To parties owning cattle in the city limits. Owing to the numerous complaints, the City Council has given me extra help to impound cattle running at large, and has instructed me to enforce this ordinance using all help necessary day and night. "I have tried to be reasonable, taking it for granted that in some instances that the cattle did get out. But have since learned that some have regularly turned them out to run at large. "If we can't stop this violation in this way, I will be compelled to ask the City Council to raise the impounding fees. If the Council has to resort to this measure, there will be no one to blame but the few who insist on violating this ordinance." During the era of free-range animals, it was not uncommon to see a variety of cows, pigs, sheep, etc., wandering the streets of most towns and cities in the United States. This could lead to crop destruction, property damage and other related issues. For instance, in 1949, George "Edward" Porter, son of early Live Oak businessman George E. Porter, wrote a memoir about his younger years driving a 1903 Oldsmobile that was nicknamed the "Red Devil." He noted an incident at about one o'clock in the morning when the electric plant's lights went out, and he was called to fix them. Hopping into his trusty Red Devil, he began driving along the dark streets without even lighting the dash lamps, so often had he driven the road. However, a free-range animal would cause him unanticipated trouble. "A few minutes before I started my run for the plant, a cow got her horns fastened in a barrel, while feeding on some garbage. At the time I reached the business section of town the night cop, George Mickler, was out in the middle of the street trying to remove the barrel from the cow's head and reclaim city property. George knew it was I on my way out to the plant. He jumped to one side and yelled, 'Look out!' It was too late. The cow was headed my way and like a flash I was showered with barrel staves, hoops and parts of the dashboard. The cow weighed about twice as much as the car. When we collided the car practically stopped in its tracks. I continued to go, made an easy slide down the cow's back and hit the ground several feet ahead like a ton of brick." Fortunately for Edward Porter, the Red Devil, and the cow, all survived with varying degrees of injuries and damage. However, these encounters were rather common due to the free-ranging animals. Animals were marked or branded to show ownership; in our Clerk's Office records, there is a series of old books entitled "Marks and Brands" that recorded each owner's individual marks for their animals so that they could prove ownership later. Gradually, mindsets were changed, and laws were enacted to keep the streets and businesses free of animals, save for the horses or mules that pulled the dwindling number of carriages and wagons. Live Oak and Suwannee County were no different, but judging by the 1919 article and others, apparently, not everyone wished to abide by the new laws! In November of 1920, the Democrat reported that "the state meeting of the No Fence League was called in Tampa which is endeavoring to have a no fence law passed in the 1921 legislature." This confusingly named group, which wanted free-range or no-fence laws rescinded and replaced by compulsory fence laws, was opposed by "Free Range Men," who wanted cattle and other large animals to roam at will. These drastically opposing views often led to death and destruction throughout the State as fences were cut, animals killed, crops ruined, property damaged, and sometimes even murders committed. Eventually, common sense ruled, and laws were enacted to keep animals fenced in, greatly reducing the amount of damage done in residential and business areas. Today, we find the thought of truly freerange animals, owned by someone but allowed to roam throughout the countryside at will, absent-minded or neglectful. It is but one more example of changing attitudes in the United States. More history next week. Eric Musgrove can be reached at or (386) 362-0564.