Eric Musgrove
There was a time in Suwannee County’s history when Live Oak had several local bottling works producing a variety of soft drinks, as did many cities across the country. One of the earliest and most prominent of these local businesses was the Live Oak Bottling Works. Established by W. L. Tedder in or prior to 1898, Tedder and later owners, Dr. H. F. Airth and R. H. Holmes, distributed many beverages, some of which you can still purchase today (albeit some with modified, less illegal ingredients than the original!). According to a booklet put out in 1908 by the Live Oak Board of Trade (a predecessor to the Suwannee County Chamber of Commerce), Live Oak Bottling Works was one of two bottling works found in Live Oak at the time. As the booklet states about the company:
“This is one of the solid business concerns of Live Oak. It was established ten years ago by Mr. W. L. Tedder and purchased by the present owner, Mr. R. H. Holmes, four years ago. This gentleman has had an experience covering a period of 18 years in the carbonated drink business and thoroughly understands its minutest detail, from washing bottles to and through its laboratory.
“In the manufacture of soda waters and other beverages, the Live Oak Bottling Works uses only filtered and distilled waters. The plant is operated by electric power attached to the latest improved machinery. Only the best extracts and pure fruit flavors are used in compounding the syrups, which contain the best granulated sugar in sufficient quantities to make them good and heavy. As a consequence of the care…(booklet unreadable due to heavily creased fold, EM)…splendid patronage, both at home and abroad. The different flavors and brands of soda waters put up here are too numerous to mention, but suffice it to say that if it is good, Holmes has it. The Suwannee Ginger Ale manufactured by the Live Oak Bottling Works is in a class distinctly its own. In flavor and richness of color it has no equal and enjoys a reputation not only at home but abroad. As a tonic and beverage it is superior to all others. This concern is sole bottlers of Coca-Cola for Middle East Florida.”
For years, the Live Oak Bottling Works had advertisements in the local Suwannee Democrat newspaper. Some of them are found in the following paragraphs:
“Live Oak Bottling Works Manufacturers and bottlers of Coca-Cola, Iron Brew, Peach Mellow, Rasporte, Ginol, Lemon, Strawberry, Orange, Sassaparilla (sic), Chocolate, Cream Soda, Sherry, Vanilla, Pineapple, Banana, Buckeye Root Beer (none better and few equals).
And a great variety of other Fruit Flavors not mentioned. Suffice it to say, that if its (sic) good, we have it. Our pride and own production, SUWANNEE GINGER ALE, is unequaled in quality and richness of flavor. Look for our Trade Mark, Label Registered, bearing the image of an Indian maiden. None genuine without it. A fine leader for Jobbers and Wholesale Grocers. Our plant is up to date in every particular, being operated entirely by electrical power and none but DISTILLED AND FILTERED WATER used in the preparation of our goods. Yours for business and best of drinks.
R. H. Holmes, Proprietor”
An oft-used 1907 advertisement in the local newspaper stated:
“Live Oak Bottling Works, R. H. Holmes, Prop. Manufacturers and bottlers of The Famous Suwannee Springs Ginger Ale, Coca Cola, Iron Brew, Peach Mellow, Raspote and Ginal Lemon, Root Bear, Chocolate, Cream Soda, Sherry, Vanilla, Pesin Ola, and Fruit Tolo.
“Every Gallon of water used is Artesian. Filtered and distilled, my water pipe is connected with the large Ice Factory distillery.
“In every respect my plant is entirely up-to-date, being operated by Electrical power.
“We are prepared to furnish these goods to all dealers in the state.”
In the 1907 book, “Bottler’s Helper: A Practical Encyclopaedia (sic) for the Bottler of Soft Drinks,” Holmes wrote:
“I find that sure success in manufacturing soda water and ginger ale, to use pure filtered and distilled water, pure granulated sugar and the best Extracts money can buy. Also pure Fruit Acid and the best colors. I always find that the best is the cheapest in the long run. My best sellers are Swannee Spring Ginger Ale, Coca Cola, Peach Mellow, Iron Brew, Pepsin-Ola, Hire’s Root Beer, Strawberry, Lemon, Sarsaparilla and Orange. I have some customers ordering from twelve to twenty-four dozen instead of six dozen size ‘Peach Mellow,’ and it is a trade winner. I am selling five times as much this year as I did last year this time.”
In 1926, there were still two bottling companies in Live Oak: the Live Oak Coca-Cola Bottling Company at 112 W Conner St. and the NuGrape Bottling Company on East Howard Street near the intersection of White Avenue. As time progressed, bottling businesses such as the Live Oak Bottling Works were bought out by larger companies, closed due to the death of their owners, financial downturns (such as the Great Depression that began in 1929), or changes in technology and tastes that meant that the small bottling companies were no longer profitable. After several more decades of service, the Live Oak bottling plants ceased to function. Little remains of them today except for some used bottles for sale on eBay and two buildings, one at the northwest corner of White Avenue and Helvenston Street and the other on North Houston Street at its intersection with Winderweedle Street, that have since been converted into a home and another type of business, respectively.
Eric Musgrove can be reached at or (386) 362-0564.