I, Brian N. Lamb, am seeking re-election as Sheriff of Lafayette County. The office of Sheriff is both an honor and great responsibility that I take seriously. I am sincerely thankful to…
Jennifer Burnham Holtzclaw for Suwannee County Tax Collector
Hello, Suwannee County! I am Jennifer Burnham Holtzclaw, and I want to serve YOU as Suwannee County Tax Collector! If elected, I am committed to serving every constituent fairly, and be fiscally…
Adam Hitt for Suwannee County School Board, District 1
My name is Adam Hitt and I am running to be your representative for the Suwannee County School Board District 1. I was born and raised here, graduating from Suwannee High School…
Lesley Fry for Suwannee County School Board, District 1
I was born and raised in Suwannee County. My mom is Margaret Townsend and my dad is the late Phil Townsend Jr. My parents were 3rd generation farmers. I have been married…
Harry “Kin” Weaver, Jr. for Suwannee County Sheriff
Hello, my name is Harry “Kin” Weaver Jr. I was born in Tallahassee on June 30, 1959, to Harry K. Weaver Sr. and Jacky Weaver. I graduated from Suwannee High School in…
Sam St John for Suwannee County Sheriff
It is with great pride and gratitude that I write this to you today as your Sheriff. Over the past 8 years, we have worked together to ensure the safety and well-being…
Jason Rountree for Suwannee County Sheriff
To the citizens of Suwannee County I want to say thank you for allowing me the honor of taking this most magnificent journey with you. As we peer into the future of…
Travis Land for County Commissioner, District 3
Dear Voters, My name is Travis Land. It has truly been an honor to serve as your County Commissioner in District 3 the past four years. I am running for re-election and…
Ronnie Gray for Suwannee County Superintendent of Schools
I am Ronnie Gray, a long-time educator, and Suwannee County local seeking election to the office of Suwannee County Superintendent of Schools. I began my career in Education at Suwannee High School…
Janene Fitzpatrick for Suwannee County Superintendent of Schools
I am Janene Fitzpatrick, candidate for Suwannee County Superintendent of Schools. As a lifetime educator, I am experienced and well-rounded in all areas of education: teaching students, leading adults and administrators, business,…
How does voting-by-mail work?
Metro Contributor Each Election Day, Americans vote and take part in a fundamental principle of democracy. Elections take place on various levels, from local governments to presidential elections. Until recently, in order…
Keep these dates in mind as the Primary Election draws near
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com With the Primary Election growing nearer, voters throughout the tri-county area are urged to keep the following dates in mind. The first batch of Vote-by-Mail ballots were mailed on…
Here’s what you need to “Know Before You Vote”
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com In an effort to enhance voter awareness and engagement, Riverbend News is excited to introduce this “Know Before You Vote” section, which is dedicated to spotlighting candidates for the…
Living God’s way: Humans are neither the lawgiver nor the judge
James gives another proverb-like command when he talks about speaking and judging negatively about our fellow Christians. He says Christians are not to “speak against one another” nor are they to “judge…
Explore faith with Bible summer fun
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The sun is getting brighter, the air is getting warmer, and the school year has drawn to an end. You know what that means: summer vacation is here! This…
Living Springs to hold Back-to-School Bash
Adyson Hammock reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com All children from the Branford area, ages 12 and younger, are encouraged to attend a Back-to-School Bash for the 2024-25 school year on Saturday, Aug. 3, from 10 a.m….
End this summer with fun with Journey Church
Adyson Hammock reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Join Journey Church of Mayo for its Summer Fun Nights from Monday, July 29, through Thursday, Aug. 1. It’s their version of vacation Bible school, end-of-summer, and back-to-school bashes…