Pre-Kindergarten Hand sanitizer Backpack Nap mat Small cover for mat 1 bottle of school glue Elastic waistband on all pants, shorts and skorts No belts or belt loop Tennis shoes Kindergarten Hand…
Melody Christian Academy supply lists
VPK School Supply List – (Voluntary) (All students will need a reusable water bottle.) 1 set of eight water colors 1 folder (no prongs) EXPO markers (fine tip) 1 complete change of…
Corinth Christian Academy supply lists
Pre-K- Kindergarten 1 – box crayons 1 – pack of markers 1 – pack of colored pencils 2 – packs #2 pencils (not mechanical) 2 – packs of big pink erasers 6…
Branford High School supply lists
6th Grade Student Necessities: These supplies are to be kept with the student in his/her backpack – they will be used by ALL of the 6th grade teachers (ELA, Math, Science and…
Branford Elementary School’s supply list
VPK or Pre-K One pack of glue sticks four pack of large disinfecting wipes two boxes of tissues One pack of baby wipes change of clothes in baggie labeled with child’s name …
Lightouse Christian Academy School Supply List
Kindergarten 1 pack of 24 or more crayons Washable markers 4 glue sticks Highlighters 12 pack of colored pencils 3 packs of FAT pencils Large erasers 1 pack of expo markers Water…
Lafayette High School’s supply list
6th Grade Supply List Basic Supplies: (enough of each to last the year) ● #2 Pencils – required for Math ● Colored Pens ● Colored pencils ● Small Personal Pencil Sharpener for…
Lafayette Elementary School’s supply list
Pre-K Two packs of eight-count crayons One glue stick (jumbo) One box of Kleenex One change of clothes to keep at school, wipes and pull ups: (if needed) Blanket One sleep mat…
Remembering Suwannee: County site selection drama, Part 3
Eric Musgrove Contributor This week, we will continue our discussion of Live Oak’s selection as the county seat and the events that led to today’s location of the Suwannee County Courthouse. We…
Explore faith with Bible summer fun
Danny Federico The sun is getting brighter, the air is getting warmer, and the school year has drawn to an end. You know what that means: summer vacation is here! This…
Local students win state FFA awards
Kenzie James Local students in Suwannee and Lafayette Counties received state champion and finalist awards at the 96th annual Florida Future Farmers of America (FFA) convention in June. The annual convention,…
Local 4-H club and nonprofit organization announce upcoming mother-son event
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail. A Suwannee County 4-H club and the National Heritage Council Foundation recently announced they will be hosting a mother-son event in August. D.E.V.O.T.E.D., a 4-H club focused on performing…
Lafayette DOH to host diabetes education program
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail. The Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Lafayette County is inviting residents to participate in the upcoming Diabetes Self-Management Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) classes. These sessions are scheduled to…
Living God’s way: Confessing our sins
Listing things we are to be praying about for others, James includes confessing our sins to one another and praying for each other (James 5:16). There are several benefits Christians can enjoy…
Around the Banks
Most of all it’s the sweet memories that haunt, now faded into a past that was, for many decades the pillar of North Central Florida’s agricultural economy. The familiar aroma that floated…
Back-to-school tax holiday starts next week
Kenzie James The annual state back-to-school sales tax holiday started this week for families looking to purchase school supplies to prepare for the start of the new school year in August. …
Lafayette Commission prepares for budget season
Christian Peterson On Tuesday, July 23, the Lafayette County Board of County Commissioners met for its regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting began with the approval of the minutes, followed by a…