Rachal Deming reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com This Saturday, Oct. 12, HWY 55 of Live Oak is presenting a Classics and Hot-Rods Car Show. This is a free event open to the community. There will be…
School board to name SHS track the Ron Hall Track and Field Complex
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Suwannee County School Board met on Tuesday, Sept. 24, for a public hearing and its regular meeting. The board immediately opened with the public hearing to review proposed…
Commissioners approve Suwannee County Historical Museum deed transfer
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com During its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, the Suwannee County Board of County Commissioners made a significant decision regarding the future of the Suwannee County Historical Museum. With…
Branford Town Council approves millage rate and budget for fiscal year 2024-2025
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Branford Town Council held its final budget hearing on Monday evening, Sept. 30, where council members unanimously adopted the millage rate and budget for the upcoming fiscal year….
Letter to the Editor: “Why I Like Florida”
I like Florida because it has extensive access to both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. I like Florida because it truly is the Sunshine State. I’m originally from an…
Around the Banks
We have been through some storm here in our home, “Around the Banks of the Suwannee.” That wind and rain and the ensuing damage and destruction were like a nightmare rather than…
Bulldogs to host 24 hour Swim-a-Thon for cancer
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Cancer is one of the most devastating diagnoses a person can receive. Families find themselves torn apart, and doctors and scientist across the globe continue to spend countless hours…
It’s time for the Pregnancy Care Center Walk/Run 4 Life
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Each year, the Pregnancy Care Center hosts a 5k Walk/Run 4 Life. This year, the event has been scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 12. “This is a fun, easy way…
Live Oak man arrested for allegedly touching minor
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews @gmail.com On Tuesday, July 2, Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) Deputy Bradley Griffin was contacted by the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) in Washington in regards to sexual abuse…
A third hurricane headed for Florida
Lazaro Aleman reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Florida and the Big Bend Region can’t seem to catch a break this hurricane season. First it was Debby in August, then Helene in September, and now Milton is…
Lafayette 4-Her takes victory in tailgating competition
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Saturday, Oct. 5, members of Lafayette 4-H made their way to Gainesville for the State Championship 4-H Tailgating Contest. “The purpose Students first had to battle their way…
One dead, one in critical condition following Hamilton County accident
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com A fatal multi-vehicle crash occurred in Hamilton County on US Highway 41 near the intersection of Northwest 96th Place on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at approximately 1:18 p.m., resulting in…
One dead, one in critical condition following Hamilton County accident
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com A fatal multi-vehicle crash occurred in Hamiton County on US Highway 41 near the intersection of NW 96th Place on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at approximately 1:18 p.m., resulting in…
Hamilton County Fair Events Day happening on Oct. 3
Adyson Hammock reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Thursday, Oct. 3, the annual Hamilton County Fair Events Day will take place at the Hamilton County Arena in Jasper. The day of activities will include a swine…
Around the Banks
Johnny Bullard Guest Columnist “Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow! You cataracts and hurricanoes!” (“King Lear” by William Shakespeare) Well, readers, dear friends, we have witnessed something else here in our…
Animal Shelter holding Halloween adoption event
Adyson Hammock reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Suwannee County Animal Shelter will be holding an in-house Halloween Trunk-or-Treat and Adoption Event on Saturday, Oct. 12, beginning at 10 a.m. A raffle will kick off the…
Quad-County Chick Chain Show is a success
Beth Moore Contributor Thirty-one 4-H members and 40 laying hens from four counties converged at the Madison County Ag Center on Tuesday, Sept. 10, for the Sixth Annual Quad-County Chick Chain Show….