Jason Futch reporter2.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Saturday, Nov. 23, at 3 p.m., join Kevin Smith and James Bryant as they honor locals who have fought against breast cancer with their 5th annual KJ’s Breast…
White Springs Sugar Cane Festival brings community together
Jason Futch reporter2.riverbendnews@gmail.com People from across North Florida descended upon the third Annual Sugar Cane Festival in White Springs on Saturday, Nov. 9. From classic cars to road course challenges, and from…
Be kind and show thanks this November
Leah Androski reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com November is coined the month of gratitude, with the U.S. celebrating Thanksgiving. By showing people acts of kindness, you can change their day and start a chain reaction of…
Westwood to perform Christmas play
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Westwood Christian School (WCS) is one of the largest private schools in the area. Of course, as a Christian school, Christmas is a very exciting holiday for the school….
Hatchbend Apostolic Church to host Christmas presentation
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Hatchbend Apostolic Church, like every other church, is excited for the upcoming Christmas season. On Sunday, Dec. 15, the church will be hosting its Christmas program, “Worthy of It…
Pineview Elementary hosts annual Veteran’s Day parade
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Every year, Pineview Elementary School hosts a parade at the school for all of its students. The parade has two goals: to provide a fun experience for the students…
Bulldogs sprint to the state championship
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Bulldogs have had a great success in their athletics department this school year. They have earned themselves a state bid for golf. Their football team had one of…
Bulldogs golf performs at state competition
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Monday, Nov. 4, the Suwannee High School (SHS) Bulldogs hosted the Boys 2A Region 1 golf tournament at The Country Club in Lake City. A total of 22…
Remembering Suwannee: Judge John Fletcher White, Part 4
Eric Musgrove Contributor Three weeks ago, we began looking at the life of John Fletcher White, a prominent Suwannee County judge of the late 1800s. White was born in Tennessee, served during…
Final day for storm debris pickup is Nov. 23
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office Division of Emergency Management is reminding residents that the last day to place storm debris at the curb for pickup is Saturday, Nov. 23….
Area teams vying for state title
Rick Patrick reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com With the 2024 regular football season behind us, several area teams have their sights set on a coveted state title. The state playoffs for the varsity football season begin…
On-site D-SNAP location for Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties opens Friday
Florida DCF Contributor The Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary Shevaun Harris announced a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) location will be open for Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties from…
Sheriff Candidate, Suwannee County: Sam St John
Question 1) How do you plan on having the sheriff’s office handle situations involving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, and what partnerships do you plan on building with mental health services?…
Sheriff Candidate, Suwannee County: Harry “Kin” Weaver, Jr.
Question 1) How do you plan on having the sheriff’s office handle situations involving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, and what partnerships do you plan on building with mental health services?…
School Board, District 1 Candidate, Suwannee County: Lesley Fry
Question 1) What do you see as the challenges facing the school system and what would you propose to address those challenges? Answer – There are many challenges facing education right now,…
School Board, District 1 Candidate, Suwannee County: Adam Hitt
Question 1) What do you see as the challenges facing the school system and what would you propose to address those challenges? Answer – One of the challenges facing our school system…
Superintendent of Schools Candidate, Suwannee County: Janene Fitzpatrick
I am Janene Fitzpatrick, and I am a Write-In Candidate for Superintendent. You will not see my name on the ballot. Instead, you will see a line with a bubble under Ronnie…