Lee Trawick: Reporter2@riverbendnews.org The six-month search for missing 16-year-old Julie “JuJu” Morgan Lovell concludes with good news: Suwannee County Sheriff Sam St. John is happy to confirm Lovell has been located, and…
Calling all vendors! Riverbend News’ Blackberry Festival happening July 29
It is with the greatest pleasure that the Riverbend News announces it has taken over the Blackberry Festival in Hamilton County. Originally held annually by the Hamilton County Chamber of Commerce, Riverbend…
Volleyball scrimmage brings three area high schools together
Cheltsie Holbrook: reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Branford, Suwannee and Lafayette High School volleyball teams came together for a summer scrimmage on Thursday, June 29. The scrimmage took place at the Lafayette High School gym and…
Little Galilee Holiness Church to hold 32nd Pastoral Anniversary
Alexa Duarte: reporter1@riverbendnews.org Little Galilee Holiness Church is celebrating Bishop Annie M. Seller’s Pastoral Anniversary. Little Galilee Holiness Church is located at Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., in Mayo. The anniversary will…
Wellborn Co-op registration opens soon
Alexa Duarte: Reporter1@riverbendnews.org The Wellborn Homeschool Co-op will open registration on Thursday, July 27. The co-op will meet every Thursday at Wellborn Baptist Church at 8:45 a.m. There are classes for grades…
Melody Christian welcomes new fourth grade teacher
Cheltsie Holbrook: reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Joining the staff of Melody Christian Academy as a fourth grade teacher for the 2023-2024 school year is L. Bernell Bryant. Bryant is a resident of Hamilton County and…
Free learning service offered at the public library
Halie Wetherington: reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com ABC Mouse, an online learning service for children, is being offered for free use at the libraries under the Suwannee River Regional Library system. Locations including those in Live…
Suwannee school district honors 27 retirees
Danny Federico: reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com As the final bell rang on Wednesday, May 31, school hallways, classrooms and offices across the Suwannee County School District echoed with memories from throughout the year. Many students…
The legacy of Chief Rickerson lives on through memorial fund
Lee Trawick Reporter2@riverbendnews.org The loss of Jasper Police Chief Anthony “Tony” Rickerson has left a void throughout Jasper and at the Rickerson home. Chief Rickerson, who passed away on Sunday, June 11,…
SCFR honors two individuals for life saving actions
Lee Trawick: Reporter2@riverbendnews.org On Wednesday, June 14, Suwannee County Fire Rescue (SCFR) responded to a 911 call reporting a man was in cardiac arrest inside Live Oak’s Winn-Dixie. The 911 dispatcher informed…
Body found in Suwannee County – SCSO working on attaining positive identification
Lee Trawick reporter2@riverbendnews.org At approximately 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27, the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a possible deceased female at the northbound intersection of Interstate 10…
New Hamilton County School accepting applications
Christian Peterson: reporter@riverbendnews.org Renaissance Reading Academy (RRA) has officially received permission to open for the new school year in Hamilton County. After a long process involving working with local government and teachers,…
Crash claims the life of Mayo man
Lee Trawick: reporter2@riverbendnews.org A Lafayette County resident was pronounced deceased following a single vehicle accisent that occurred on Thursday, June 22, at approximately 3 a.m. In Alachua County. According to the Florida…
Branford Beta Club shows they are the alpha at Nationals
Christian Peterson: Reporter@riverbendnews.org The Branford High School (BHS) Beta Club spent Sunday, June 18, through Tuesday, June 20, competing at the Beta Club Nationals Competition in Louisville, Ky. The club had a…
Clayland Baptist Church holds kick-off for VBS
Clayland Baptist Church held a kick-off event for its “Jonah: Swallowed Alive” Vacation Bible School (VBS) on Saturday, June 10, featuring food, games and plenty of fun. Volunteers even built a giant…
Local students have a blast on SVEC National Youth Tour
Christian Peterson: reporter@riverbendnews.org Each year, the Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) selects a few students from their coverage area to attend the Florida Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Tallahassee. While this helps…
Juneteenth: Celebrating the path to freedom
Lee Trawick: repoprter2@riverbendnews.org “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” – Desmond Tutu Known as one of America’s oldest holidays, Juneteenth (June 19) annually celebrates…