By Cheltsie Holbrook
Riverbend News
“Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world” is a small idea of what the Rotary Club is all about, but more specifically the Branford Rotary Club.
Every Wednesday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., one can find Branford Rotary Club members at Our Place Pizzeria and Ristorante, located in Branford, joining together and brainstorming ways to help their community. One meeting with this lively bunch will provide a glimpse of where their hearts truly lie.
During their Wednesday, Aug. 26 meeting, President Jenny Lloyd began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the Rotarian Pledge. Afterwards, Lloyd delivered a wonderful message to the club; Africa is now polio free. The statement “polio free” means that a country becomes certified after three years of no polio.
After the news was celebrated, the club then discussed a new potential fundraiser, “Potential Taste of Branford.” This fundraiser has the hopes of helping local businesses during this time of COVID-19. After much discussion, club members decided to form a separate committee that will be in charge of getting fundraiser details in order and ready to present to the club for approval at one of their future meetings.
The Branford Rotary Club consists of six officers: Jenny Lloyd, president; Dr. Melanie Kemmerer, treasurer; Trannie Lacquey, secretary; Kimberly Taylor, public relations; chair membership, John Lacquey; and sgt.-at-arms, Skip Trubey. Other members include: Nancy Cooper, Laura Goss, Marie Goss, William Koon, Tiffaney Lucas, Jeremiah McCall, Jena McInnis, Karen Odom, Stephanie Ogden, Krishna Stemple, Jennifer Thompson, Al Torrans, Julio Vivas, Franklin White and Roland White.
Some big events thrown by the Rotary Club of Branford are the World Famous Duck Race, which occurs each Fourth of July; and a golf tournament, which takes place in March. They also give to their community by giving away scholarships to students, honoring veterans by placing flags and crosses down major highways during holidays and much more.
Rotary is an international club, which has 1.2 million members and 35,000 plus clubs worldwide. Their causes include promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education and growing local economies. However, one of their main focuses is the fight against polio. Thirty years ago, polio was in 125 nations. But now, with the help and support of Rotary, polio remains in only two nations: Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Branford Rotary Club invites you to become a member of this life changing organization. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact John Lacquey at (386) 935-1705.