Christian Peterson:
Each year, the Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) selects a few students from their coverage area to attend the Florida Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Tallahassee. While this helps students learn more about the legislative process and inspires students with the importance of civics, the tour doesn't end there for some. Out of this group of students, three are chosen to represent SVEC on the National Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington, D.C.
On Tuesday, June 13, the youth tour delegates, which included Ella Hancock of Lafayette high School and Sarah Welch of Hamilton County High School, left for their trip. The group had five jam packed days of adventure around the U.S. Capitol. This fully paid tour of Washington, D.C., allows students to see historic sights, national monuments and meet with legislators representing Florida. Highlights included visits to Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Lincoln Memorial, George Washington's Mount Vernon home and the Capitol Building. Another highlight of the trip involved mingling with the other students from across the country, and even trading state pins so each can have something unique from the other.