Paul informs the Ephesians of his request to God on their behalf. After describing who "the Father" is, Paul expresses what he wants the Father to grant to these people, namely that they may be strengthened because they comprehend all the minute features of "the love of Christ" (Ephesians 3:14-19). The strength Paul is wanting God to grant to the Ephesians will come through their faith. In a time before the New Testament was completed and people could read what was revealed, Paul is asking God to communicate to the Ephesians and other churches as well what they will need to help them comprehend all the different aspects of "the love of Christ." The faith of these Ephesians would then be increased because they have heard what was spoken by those to whom God revealed His message. The Holy Spirit was the means by which this message was revealed to individuals. When people listen to what was spoken by these individuals, and they apply it to their lives, then they would have Christ dwelling in their hearts. Today, we have the complete revelation of God's message in the form of our New Testament. Paul has already stated in this letter that when we "read" what has been written, we can "understand [his] insights," which would include "the love of Christ." Paul has the desire that all the Ephesians "may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge." There are several things to observe. Paul wants "all the saints" to have this surpassing knowledge of "the love of Christ." We can accomplish this by reading our Bibles with the goal of understanding every detail (breadth, length, height and depth) of "the love of Christ." By writing, "the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge," Paul is saying that this love which Christ has for all people is so remarkable that it is beyond any knowledge we may comprehend. Paul is not being contradictory, but he is emphasizing how great this "love of Christ" really is. We, as Christians, need to spend time thinking about this "love of Christ." The more we read about "the love of Christ" and the more we meditate upon this love, the closer we will get to achieving Paul's goal of all Christians being "filled up in all the fullness of God." By focusing on this "love of Christ," then Christians will be "[strengthened] with power through His Spirit in the inner man." With this strength, Christians will be more faithful, consistent and extremely determined to be living God's way.