Christian Peterson
On Thursday, May 18, the Jasper City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting began with approval of the minutes from the previous meeting, as well as the approval of April's checks. The council then moved into City Attorney Rhett Bullard's items. First, Bullard told the council that the lawsuit against the town by an internet cafe had been dismissed by the court. He also told the board that he was still working on the park rules ordinance. The council then turned to a report from City Manager Marcus Collins. He began by telling the council he had split the public works department into two different groups: public works and utilities. He then received approval from the council to request proposals regarding the sewer plant operations, along with permission to buy bypass pumps for the town's lift station at the lowest bid of $72,888.84 from Hydra Services. This was quickly followed by the approval of the purchase of a control panel for Green Haven Apartments for $8,850.00 from Hydra Services. Finally, the council approved the purchase of a service host truck for sewer plants at $85,894.00 from Economy Motors. All three purchases were made out of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. After more small business, the meeting came to a close. The next Jasper City Council meeting will be held on Thursday, June 15, at 6 p.m., in Jasper City Hall, located at 208 Hatley St. SW, in Jasper.