Lafayette County
No arrests.
Hamilton County
Dec. 23
Reginald Lavelle Cherry, moving traffic violation
Dec. 26
Jessica Allien Combass, moving traffic violation, drug equipment possession, two counts drugs possession
Travis Ryan Pound, cocaine possession, drug equipment possession, marijuana possession
Dec. 27
William Andrew Boone, battery, simple assault, kidnap false imprisonment
Suwannee County
Dec. 23
Jenifer Rena Young, disturbing the peace Jacob Michael Stacey, driving under the influence
Jerame Carl Barber, probation violation
David Christopher Neely, battery
Dec. 25
Pedro Felix Saavedra, driving under the influence
Victor Rafael Arteaga, two out-of- county warrants
Dec. 26
Caranita Shanice Daniels, failure to appear, out-of-county warrant
Michael Taylor Cumbess, marijuana possession, drugs possession, deal in stolen property
Dec. 27
Lakeshia Renee Giles, battery
Exie Leann Neely, probation violation