Leah Androski
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, which raises awareness about human trafficking. As the state with the thirdhighest number of reported cases, Florida faces unique challenges in combating trafficking due to its vast tourism industry, extensive transportation networks and diverse population. The Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking is combatting this with education, advocacy and community engagement. The Alliance has developed a free online training resource (available in 12 languages) that includes various ways to recognize, prevent and address human trafficking. “This month is a reminder of the collective responsibility we all share in ending human trafficking,” said Erin Collins, Executive Director of the Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking. “By educating ourselves and those around us, we can break the cycle of exploitation and provide hope to survivors. Our training resource is a powerful tool that equips Floridians with the knowledge they need to make a real difference.” These courses are available on the Alliance’s website and are designed for anyone to use. For free training and other resources, visit www.floridaallianceendht.com. Human trafficking affects anyone from anywhere, and it often is not noticed. There are various forms of trafficking, which can include labor and sex trafficking. People who are the most susceptible to trafficking include abuse. someone who has unstable living conditions, previously experienced other forms of violence like sexual abuse, have run away, are involved in juvenile justice or child welfare system, under poverty or economic need, are addicted to drugs or alcohol and/or have a family member or caregiver with substance use Signs that someone may currently be trafficked may include a person distancing themselves from family members or friends, a child stops going to school, a person has a sudden change in their behavior, a person is confused and may show signs of mental or physical abuse, a person has bruises, a person is scared, a person shows signs of neglect and the person appears to have very little possessions or lives in an unstable environment. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states that not all these signs are trafficking, however they have been found in trafficking cases before. Signs of trafficking may include signing a contract at work that is in a language you do not understand, viaticum is offered a job far away and given small details about the said job, the victim appearing with new gifts or money, and the victim gets in a close relationship with someone they only know off of social media. The Florida Human Trafficking Hotline at (855) FLA-SAFE (352-7233) is a confidential and toll-free resource for reporting suspected cases of human trafficking and connecting victims to vital support services. Anyone can identify and stop trafficking. Reporting any suspicious activity can be lifesaving, helping end exploitation and get victims vital help. The Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking is a nonprofit organization created by the Florida Legislature to provide funding, support and assistance to the statewide effort to end human trafficking. For resources, free training and more information, visit www.floridaallianceendht.com.