Halie Wetherington
Scallop season is quickly approaching. For the Suwannee River Zone, Thursday, June 15, marks the beginning of bay scalloping, with the Taylor, Levy and Pasco County areas beginning on Saturday, July 1. Gulf County's season starts on Wednesday, Aug. 16.
The following information regarding the regional areas and what they include for available harvesting are taken from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FWC) website, which can be found at www.myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/bay-scallops/.
Fenholloway through the Suwannee River Zone:
This area includes Keaton Beach and Steinhatchee.
From Saturday, June 15, through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4.
All state waters east of Rock Island near the mouth of the Fenholloway River in Taylor County and north of Alligator Pass near the mouth of the Suwannee River in Levy County.
Lowered bag limit from Saturday, June 15 to Friday, June 30.
Franklin County through northwestern Taylor County:
All state waters from the westernmost point of St. Vincent Island, located in Franklin County, to Rock Island near the mouth of the Fenholloway River in Taylor County.
From Saturday, July 1, through Sunday, Sept. 24.
Levy, Citrus and Hernando Counties:
Al state waters south of Alligator Pass near the mouth of the Suwannee River in Levy County and north of the Hernando-Pasco county line.
From Saturday, July 1, through Sunday, Sept. 24.
Pasco County:
All state waters south of the Hernando-Pasco County line and north of Anclote Key Lighthouse in northern Pinellas County as well as all waters of the Anclote River.
From Saturday, July 1, through Sunday, Aug. 6.
St. Joseph Bay and Gulf County:
All state waters from the Mexico Beach Canal in Bay County to the westernmost point of St. Vincent Island in Franklin County
From Wednesday, Aug. 16, through Sunday, Sept. 24.
The area south of Black's Island marked with FWC buoys is a Bay Scallop Restoration Area; no scalloping or anchoring is allowed.
The bag limit for these areas (except for June 15-30 in the Suwannee River Zone) is:
Per person: two gallons of whole bay scallops in shell or one pint of bay scallop meat.
Per vessel: maximum of 10 gallons of whole bay scallops in shell or half a gallon of bay scallop meat (four pints).
The FWC requires all recreational harvesters to have the correct Florida saltwater fishing license unless there is an exceptional circumstance, in which case they do not need one.
Scalloping does not require many tools and necessities; bring your license, dive flag, a bag for the scallops and standard swimming gear such as fins, snorkels and masks. Even if you are not diving or entering the water, ensure that there are enough life jackets for every person on the boat.