Jason Futch
Local law enforcement have made a goal of educating the community about the importance of keeping children buckled up and in proper seating while in a moving vehicle. This effort, in partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), aims to keep children safe and reduce fatal injuries to children should they be involved in a car accident. The W.H.A.L.E. (We Have a Little Problem) Check is a method that families can use to ensure that children remain safe inside a moving vehicle. The following are five smart safety tips to help prevent injuries: 1. Wear safety belts. Studies show that if adults wear their seat belt, kids will too. 2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Always check the manual for both your car and the child safety seat for proper installation guides. 3. Ensure the seat belt is strapped in tight. Guardians should not be able to move the car seat more than one inch in any direction at the belt path. Be sure to always use the top tether when forward facing. 4. Make sure the chest clip is at armpit level and the harness is snug. Straps should be tight enough so that the fabric of the harness at the shoulders cannot be pinched. 5. The back seat is safest. Children aged 13 and under should sit in the back seat. Older children no longer need a special seat if their legs bend comfortably at the seat’s edge with their back resting flat against the back of the seat. To learn more about the W.H.A.L.E. Check program, visit trafficsafetyteam.org/whale-check-program.