Jason Futch
A real-life Grinch is on the prowl after breaking into a residence on Christmas Eve and stealing a variety of items, including a surveillance camera that captured the moment he stole it.
Without going into too many details, the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) alerted its followers on social media about a thief who broke into someone’s home on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at approximately 6:44 p.m., according to surveillance footage captured. The surveillance footage that SCSO released to the public showed various photos of the suspect walking into the house and carrying an Arlo camera system in his bag that he took from the residence. SCSO did not reveal what the suspect took other than the camera system, nor did it say where the incident occurred.
The last image of the suspect appears to show him, in color, carrying the camera in a bag at approximately 7:01 p.m. the same day. Shortly after, the camera was disabled.
SCSO is continuing to investigate the incident and hopes that someone will come forward with information leading to the suspect’s arrest.
Anyone with information pertaining to this incident may call the SCSO at (386) 362-2222. To remain anonymous and be eligible for a cash reward, call Crime Stoppers of Suwannee County at (386) 208-8477.

Additional image of the suspect recorded from the stolen camera system moments before the video was disabled.