Christian Peterson
October is Clergy Appreciation Month and, specifically, the second Sunday in October is Pastor Appreciation Day. Churches are a large part of southern culture. The roads may never be busier than on a Sunday morning as families make their way to that morning's service. Then, on Wednesday nights, church parking lots are full for adult Bible study and youth groups. Church remains prevalent throughout the south to this day. As we head into Clergy Appreciation Month, it’s time to take a moment to recognize the sacrifices pastors make and show them they're appreciated.
Clergy make many sacrifices that go unnoticed. There are countless sleepless nights where they pray or worry about their congregation. Family dinners are interrupted by a phone call from someone going through a personal crisis. They will sit through week after week listening to the hardships and struggles of people they care about and do their best to guide them. This role of counselor is on top of their leadership role, as they also worry about the budget of the church. They worry about making improvements to the church building and the programs they run. They deal with interpersonal conflict between congregation members; when people fight about the way the nursery should be run, the pastor is there to try and solve the problem. Finally, they are focused on the Sunday morning service, writing, rewriting and practicing their sermon, preparing the best for their flock. This is just their role in the church, not to mention as a parent and spouse at home. It can be an incredibly stressful job, yet one that is constantly performed with grace and humility by incredibly talented men.
Pastor Appreciation Day was Sunday, Oct. 8. However, there are a few ways to show appreciation for your pastor throughout the entire month. One of the main things that many pastors love is words of affirmation. Write a note acknowledging your pastor and all they do; encourage all ages to participate. Have children make crafts, such as bookmarks, that can be gifted to your pastor. Original artwork or even a song is a good gift as well. Take a photo of the church building or the congregation in front of it, frame it and have the congregation sign the frame. Since pastoral work is very time consuming, there are ways you can show your appreciation by helping out with simple tasks. Purchase the resources that your pastor may need for an upcoming Bible study, such as commentaries or volumes of a certain book, so the church itself does not have to worry about purchasing the resources. Chances are high that your pastor has a large and constantly growing library; purchase a book either for personal interest or edification. The easiest way is to give your pastor a small gift of something they personally enjoy. Whether it be candy, coffee or a favorite sports team, there are small things they would love to have. Finally, the easiest way to show your appreciation is by helping the church. Volunteer your time to play piano for a service, help out in the nursery or make dinner one night for the church.
Pastors sacrifice a lot and do many things for their congregation. Take the time this month to show your appreciation and remind them that the work they do does not go unnoticed. While they understand the impact and importance of their job, it always feels good to receive a little bit of praise.