Since the arrival of COVID, there is no doubt it has greatly impacted our lives. Some people have suffered economically, while others suffered relationally by not getting to see their loved ones….
Category: Editorials
Emerald’s Gem Box: Sign up for our newsletter
The most valuable thing in the world is knowledge. In life, we must all learn to embrace knowledge, to look for knowledge and to crave more knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge provides…
Around the Banks: Old school
You hear today’s young people refer to the music and styles of my generation as “old school.” I often heard loved ones and friends talk about how things were at the “old…
Around the Banks: Time
“Hold that line and get that ball and don’t let them score!” “What do you want? Touchdown! What do you get? Touchdown!” “Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar. All for…
Emerald’s Gem Box: We’ve let Afghanistan down, we’ve let Americans down, we’ve let our veterans down
In Joe Biden’s inaugural speech, he emphasized he wanted unity in the United States. Well, he has it! Even CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC agree President Biden has totally blotched the…
Around the Banks: Surprise
“Surprise!” How often do we hear that expression when someone painstakingly plans and prepares for a celebration, birthday, anniversary or retirement? Folks do enjoy the expressions of wonder on faces ranging in…
Emerald’s Gem Box: It was party time!
Two weeks ago, on Thursday, Aug. 5, we held our 1st birthday party, to celebrate the milestone of starting the Riverbend News and becoming a part of this community. What a fun…
Emerald’s Gem Box: Newspapers are small businesses too
Every day, all day, journalists across this nation are delivering news that matters at an unprecedented, vital time. I am so grateful for the work they are doing – especially our staff…
Around the Banks: Dr. Frederick T. Mickler
As time progresses and populations become more diverse, it seems some services are part of a different age and, rather than becoming more personalized, become more impersonal. I will provide a couple…
Sharing the spotlight
Everyone knows first responders are the most important positions held by our community members. When you see those flashing lights, no matter the color, you know it’s another community hero doing their…
Six tips for fall gardening
At this point, summer vegetable crops have been harvested for the most part, so it’s time to gear up for fall planting! Now is the time to get your garden area ready…
Home sick home: indoor air quality issues
In Florida, where we utilize air conditioning to cool occupants and de-humidify the air, builders are encouraged to build tight homes. Many people assume that energy efficient homes that are tightly built…
Around the Banks: Good comes from hard times
We have often heard the expression “No pain, no gain,” used in reference to increasing one’s physical fitness, meaning “one must push one’s self in order to become physically fit.” The same…
Healthy habits for the new school year
It’s that time of year again! In just a few weeks, children around the county will be heading back to school. Start your children off on the right track with these healthy…
Emerald’s Gem Box: My life has come full circle
Last week we, the Riverbend News, turned one year old. On July 29, 2020, our very first edition hit the streets in order to serve the residents of Suwannee County, Hamilton County…
Deeper Wells: Look ahead, not back
“The ride tends to be a little smoother if we spend more time looking through the windshield than we do at the rearview mirror.” I’m not sure exactly who quoted that but…
Around the Banks: What I love
The title of this article is “Around the banks” and I have been asked by many people, most of whom don’t live in our area: “What is it about the place you…