Lee Trawick reporter2.riverbendnews@gmail.com Rhonda Wood’s husband, David, once asked her an intriguing question: “How would you like to buy a gym?” Five years later, Wood’s Family Fitness is now a staple in…
Category: Community News
Bewitch your Halloween with family fun in the Suwannee Valley
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com As Halloween draws near, more and more festivities can be found around the tri-county area. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly night of fun for the kiddos or a…
FEMA extends application deadline
FEMA Contributor Florida homeowners and renters in 18 counties who had uninsured losses caused by HurricaneIdalia have until Wednesday Nov. 29, 2023, to apply for Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) disaster assistance….
Farm Share coming to Suwannee County
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Farm Share is the number one food bank in the United States according to 24/7 WallStreet. Farm Share’s goal is “to make sure no Floridian goes hungry.” Therfore, as…
LSF Health Systems’ First Responder Program works to prevent tragedies with peer counselors
LSF Health Systems Contributor National First Responders Day is an opportunity to honor the men and women who help us on our worst days, but a leading Florida behavioral health system is…
AMERICAN PATRIOTS meeting to feature special presentation by members
AMERICAN PATRIOTS Contributor Those who have an AMERICAN PATRIOTS brochure have noticed the group stands for TRUTH. Under “What We Stand For,” number one is: “Searching for truth and promoting it through…
ACT announces sign-ups for land management financial assistance
Alachua Conservation Trust Contributor Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) has partnered with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to deliver federal funds for conservation and management of private lands in North Florida….
ArtFest 2023: Where creativity meets community
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Live Oak Artists’ Guild will be showcasing the area’s finest collection of art from all ages during ArtFest 2023 from Saturday, Oct. 21 through Saturday, Oct. 28, at…
Peanut T-Shirt design contest for students announced
Adyson Hammock reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Florida Peanut Federation (FPF) is holding a t-shirt design contest for Florida students grades K-12 to create a special shirt for 2024. The winner will receive a $250…
Hamilton County Fair Events Day celebrates another success of livestock excellence and family fun
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Participants and fans enjoyed another successful year of the Hamilton County Fair Events Day. The day of showmanship and high quality livestock took place on Thursday, Oct. 5. The…
SRRC wrangles in crowds for 67th Annual Rodeo
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Suwannee River Riding Club (SRRC) held its 67th Annual Rodeo on Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, Sept. 30, at the rodeo arena in Branford. At 3 p.m. on…
Wind resistance and trees: Lessons learned from wind and hurricane events
Carolyn Saft, UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee County Contributor As you are thinking of replacing trees on your property, consider these tips and the following trees, based on the research of ten hurricanes and…
Pink flag initiative honors cancer warriors
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer each year in order to educate people about the importance of early detection and access to high-quality care. During this…
From lawns to life lessons
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Raising children is a challenging but rewarding task. It involves fostering and molding the next generation, which is a daunting responsibility. However, there are many ways to instill essential…
White Springs Town Council attorney resigns
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Tuesday, Oct. 10, the White Springs Town Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting began with public comment, starting with Joe Griffin. He approached the board…
Mayo town council sends historical beams to Day
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Monday, Oct. 9, the Mayo Town Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting. First, the council gave permission, for the grant administrator and Sampson Edwards, to pursue the…
Live Oak Elks Lodge bingo events caught in gambling device ban
Lee Trawick reporter2.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Live Oak City Council’s monthly meeting opened up on Tuesday, Oct. 10, with Mayor Frank Davis expressing his admiration and appreciation for Greg Scott, county administrator and former…