Katie Jones Contributor On Saturday, Nov. 11, Suwannee County 4-H took 12 members to the North Florida Fair to participate in the Agriculture Judging Contest. Held in Tallahassee, Fla., the North Florida…
Category: Community News
Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce to present Small Business Workshop
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com The Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Small Business Administration (SBA), will be offering a Small Business Workshop on Thursday, Nov. 30. The workshop will feature…
Keep calm and put the kettle on: Laura’s garden notes for November
Laura Young reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com When we built our dream house in 1992, our concept for the yard included not only a vegetable patch, but many plantings all around for an “edible landscape.” For…
JTR Memorial Toy Drive and Christmas Pageant embrace community spirit
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com “Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20) After losing their…
Celebrate the season with Christmas at Heritage Park
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Celebrate the season with Christmas at Heritage Park on Saturday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This festive event promises a day of free holiday family fun…
Live Oak Mayor Davis addresses Garden Club members
Lucille Heinrich Contributor Live Oak Mayor Frank C. Davis addressed members of the Live Oak Garden Club at their November luncheon meeting. During his talk, he pointed out that surveys confirmed that…
Kids News’ inaugural Gingerbread House Contest aims to sweeten the season
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Kids News is excited to announce its first-ever Gingerbread House Contest, a festive competition that invites participants of all ages to showcase their creativity, culinary skills and holiday spirit….
Sweets in the Streets promises festive fun
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Get ready for a sugary spectacle at Sweets in the Streets on Saturday, Dec. 9, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Jasper. The event, held at Jasper City…
Lafayette 4-H hosts Farm Judging Contest
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Friday, Oct. 27, the UF/IFAS Extension in Lafayette County hosted its annual Farm Judging Contest. Lafayette 4-H was a host to 90 4-H and Future Farmers of America…
Hamilton 4-Hers participate in Forest Ecology Clinic
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Every year, the Austin Cary Forest’s Roland T. Stern Learning Center in Gainesville hosts a Forest Ecology Clinic. On Saturday, Oct. 14, Hamilton County 4-Hers were invited to the…
New Master Gardener Volunteers have sprouted at the Suwannee County Extension Office
Carolyn Saft Contributor A new crop of Suwannee County UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Volunteers recently completed the 100 hours of training required to become a certified Florida Master Gardener Volunteer. The volunteers…
Sign up for the Christmas Parade
Christian Peterson reporter.riverbendnews@gmail.com Sign ups for the Lafayette County Christmas Parade have opened up. The parade will be held on Saturday, Nov. 25 at 6 p.m. Line up will begin at 5…
Honoring sacrifice on Veterans Day
Lee Trawick reporter2.riverbendnews@gmail.com A soldier’s journey begins with a choice. It is the only decision a soldier makes. From that point on, a fire is lit within them that will never be…
Sugar Cane Festival proves to be a sweet success
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com As the calendar turned to November, the anticipation in White Springs for the annual Sugar Cane Festival organized by Suwannee Hardware and Feed was palpable. On Saturday, Nov. 11,…
4-H youth shine at Quad County Chick Chain Show
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com On Thursday, Oct. 19, youth from Lafayette 4-H and Suwannee 4-H gathered in Madison to participate in the Fifth Annual Quad County Chick Chain Show. This event represents more…
Paranormal Investigators go beyond the veil at Live Oak public library
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com Denise Burroughs with the Paranormal Investigators of North Florida conducted a paranormal investigation event at the Live Oak Public Library on Halloween night, Tuesday, Oct. 31. During the presentation,…
VFW Post 8095 receive $10,000 donation from SVEC
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com In a heartwarming display of community support, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8095 in Jasper received a substantial donation on Thursday, Nov. 9, from the Suwannee Valley Electric…