Christian Peterson The Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) recently proved that it has stepped up its game. In a recent Facebook post, the office announced that it had reached level one…
Category: Community News
Taking care of your pooch during the dog days of summer
Heather Ainsley You may have heard the phrase “The dog days of summer” in recent weeks, but are you familiar with where the saying comes from and what it means? The…
Suwannee County Farm Bureau announces youth speech contest
Alexa Duarte The Suwannee County Farm Bureau is happy to announce its youth speech contest. The contest is open to all students ages 14 through 18 reside in Suwannee County. The…
No cost eye exams and glasses for children
Alexa Duarte The Florida Heiken Children’s Vision Program, LLC, is taking applications now for free eye exams and glasses for children. The eye exam is open for Florida Public School students…
Guardian ad Litem needs you!
Christian Peterson Guardian ad Litem (GAL) may be one of the most important institutions in Florida. The organization is focused on representing the legal interest of abused, abandoned and neglected children….
Local 4-H club and nonprofit organization announce upcoming mother-son event
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail. A Suwannee County 4-H club and the National Heritage Council Foundation recently announced they will be hosting a mother-son event in August. D.E.V.O.T.E.D., a 4-H club focused on performing…
Lafayette DOH to host diabetes education program
Danny Federico reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail. The Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Lafayette County is inviting residents to participate in the upcoming Diabetes Self-Management Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) classes. These sessions are scheduled to…
Jamie Tyndal for Hamilton County Judge
My name is Jamie Tyndal. I am your Hamilton County Judge. I was appointed to the bench by Governor DeSantis to fill the vacancy left by Judge Sonny Scaff’s retirement. I have…
Sheena Rickerson for Hamilton County Judge
I haved lived in our community for over a decade, I am not just another name on the ballot. I am one of you—a dedicated neighbor, a familiar face at local events,…
Sharon Jordan for Suwannee County Tax Collector
I am Sharon Jordan and I am honored to have served as Suwannee County Tax Collector for the past 16 years. Today, I am asking for your vote. My family has lived…
Lee Wetherington-Zamora for Hamilton County Superintendent of Schools
Hello to my Fellow Hamilton Countians, I do hope all is well with you and your family. My name is Lee Wetherington-Zamora. I have had the sincere pleasure of serving as your…
Brian S. Creech for Hamilton County Sheriff
My name is Brian S. Creech, candidate for sheriff of Hamilton County. I am the son of Gerald and Serena Creech, raised in Hamilton County, with two brothers that have served and…
Mike Cohen for Hamilton County Sheriff
Greetings, I am Mike Cohen. It is my goal to become the next sheriff of Hamilton County with the help of the Hamilton County citizens. My experience that prepares for becoming sheriff…
Samantha Prueter for Hamilton County Property Appraiser
I’m Samantha Prueter, a fifth-generation Floridian. Over 19 years ago, my family and I fell in love with the rural farming community of Hamilton County and its breathtaking beauty when we moved…
Clayton Goolsby for Hamilton County Property Appraiser
Hello, my name is Clay Goolsby, your candidate for Property Appraiser. I am a born and raised 6th generation Hamilton County native who brings you 16 years of comprehensive experience in the…
Leslie Jones for Hamilton County Tax Collector
Hello, I am Leslie Jones, a Candidate for Hamilton County Tax Collector. I was born and raised in Suwannee County in a farming community called Luraville. After graduating high school I was…
Brian N. Lamb for Lafayette County Sheriff
I, Brian N. Lamb, am seeking re-election as Sheriff of Lafayette County. The office of Sheriff is both an honor and great responsibility that I take seriously. I am sincerely thankful to…