One Sunday morning, I woke up exuberant, ready to celebrate the perpetual goodness of the Lord our Savior. My youngest son, Travis, and I jumped in the ole sedan as his sister Chelsea and older brother Lil Gene would often do and eagerly headed to church. We drove for miles only to discover this time that the church doors were closed. Yes, they were completely locked. Oh, we forgot, it was the third Sunday of the month, and that church did not have 11 a.m. services on the first and third Sundays. That simply was not only that church's rule, but that tradition has morphed into a cultural norm. Since times memorial, many Black churches have maintained a tradition of not having church on certain Sundays of the month. Some say it is because "We need a Sunday to rest." Others say it's because the Pastor has two churches. Many Pastors say it's the members who are quenching the Holy Spirit.
The Sabbath, according to Rabbi Abraham Heschel, is not for the sake of the weekdays; the weekdays are for the sake of the Sabbath. "It is not an interlude but the climax of living." He goes further to assert that "three acts of God denoted the seventh day: He rested, He blessed, and He hallowed (Genesis 2:2-3)."
Throughout America, the churches served multiple functions. During the days of slavery, they served as stations along the Underground Railroad. After the Civil War, churches were also our first schoolhouses. Even most of our historically Black colleges were catapulted to greatness via the generosity of the churches. There was even a time when folks were so excited about going to church that they would ride mule and buggy to get there every Sunday, come early for Sunday school, hear the preached word, eat on the church grounds, and then worship again that Sunday night. What happened to our zeal for the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Albeit we are in more contemporary times, many Black churches are still looked to as sanctuaries for dual operations. For instance, during election time, any politician worth his/her own salt would make sure to pay a visit to our churches to try to get the Black vote. Back in the day, most of the famous superstars of Motown, such as Sam Cook, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight and the Pips, got their musical start right there in the church. For rural communities like Monticello, Fla., which still does not have a taxpayerfunded community center, the church met that essential need as well.
Lest we forget, it was at the church where poor folks would hold mass meetings that eventually led to the passage of historic legislation. Events such as President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act come to mind. Hence, it seems quite appropriate for us to take the locks off the doors and have our Black churches open every Sunday so that the gospel can be preached.
Not convinced yet? Just take a closer look at the May 2013 Ebony Magazine Special Report on the "State of Black Boys" article, which solidifies the relevance of us being open for worship every Sunday. It confirmed that only 10 percent of Black male eighth graders are deemed proficient in eighth-grade reading. It also authenticates that there are almost as many Black and Hispanic males in prison and jail than in college.
Remember, our churches used to be the first schools in our neighborhoods. They were and still are considered safe havens for many youth who may be in peril and facing unspeakable dangers. Essentially, it's obvious that our young men and ladies need to hear the gospel preached to them every Sunday. Moreover, some of them are transportation disadvantaged and cannot even conceive of driving to the other side of the county to attend services simply because their home church is open only two Sundays out of the month. If we open the holy temple, the Lord will bless us richly. Many theologians are already convinced that it will help to significantly reduce ignorance, alcoholism and crime and likely avert someone from spending all day Sunday hanging around the whiskey barrel or sitting under the sycamore tree waiting for the next illegal drug exchange.
We Christians often complain that when we drive by the nightclubs (hole-in-the-wall) every weekend, there are always large crowds there. One reason may be that the doors are open. Hmm. Our churches in the Black communities could draw similarly large crowds. All we simply have to do is take the padlocks off the buildings and open up for church services every Sunday.
We must forget cultural traditions and be obedient to the true words of the Lord. Some young person may be knocking at the door just waiting to be converted.