Leah Androski
Groundwire.net is a website with the mission of bringing this generation to Christ. Whether that is by visiting their website, viewing one of their commercials while watching TV, or scrolling on your phone, Groundwire has many ways to connect to today's teens and young adults.
Goundwire uses an effective five-step approach for English and Spanish speakers. The first step is to interrupt; Groundwire interrupts the smartphones this generation cannot put down. By causing an interruption to this generation's screen time, it exposes teens and young adults to Groundwire's message. The second step is to communicate; Groundwire has videos, a website and 24-hour coaching. Groundwire communicates the Gospel in a relevant and authentic way. The third step is to commit; Groundwire listens, loves and encourages anyone who visits one of its sites in English or Spanish. The fourth step is to educate; Groundwire offers tools to help new believers grow toward Christ and a local community. The fifth and final step is to connect; Groundwire bridges new believers to local communities of believers where they continue on their faith journey.
By the end of 2022, Groundwire had their first one million people place their trust in Jesus. They are expected to reach five million people by the end of 2025. The founder and President of Groundwire, Sean Dunn, has worked with youth and young adults full-time for over 30 years. Since 2003, Groundwire has been using technology and media to share the love found in Jesus Christ. Groundwire currently uses multiple messaging campaigns or brands to reach more young people.
Those interested in learning more about this website can do so by visiting www.Groundwire.net.