Danny Federico
The Branford High School chapter of Future Farmers of America (FFA) brought holiday cheer to southern Suwanee County on Saturday, Dec. 14, as it hosted this year's "The Joy of Christmas Festival." The event, which took place on the Suwannee River Greenway in Branford, saw a plethora of vendors selling delicious treats and unique items. While festivalgoers shopped and munched on tasty foods, they were able to watch a variety of acts perform. Additionally, as the FFA chapter did not charge a fee for vendors to set up, the Rotary Club of Branford held a 50/50 raffle to help offset some of the costs the chapter accrued. The club raised a total of $788, of which $394 helped pay the cost of the DJ and public announcer, and $394 went to the winner of the raffle, Mr. Younger.