Danny Federico
Lafayette High School's (LHS) cafeteria recently transformed into a time capsule as the drama troupe presented "The Greatest Generation: A Tribute to the 40s," a play written by students of the North Florida College Sentinel Upstage Players. The performances, held on Saturday, Dec. 7, and Monday, Dec. 9, offered audiences a glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of an American family navigating the turbulent World War II (WWII) era. All the events followed a crackling radio broadcast bringing word of the 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor. The drama unfolded through snapshots of life both overseas and within the United States. Soldiers wrote letters home, while American households pinched pennies and found ways to make food stretch. While men were sent to fight, women filled positions left open in the workforce and even in various recreational sports, including America's favorite pastime: baseball. As history was retold and the war came to an end, the audience was struck with one final heartwrenching scene. While families enjoyed spending time together in their warm, cozy homes on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus crept down another chimney, ready to surprise another young child with gifts under their tree. However, he's met with the sight of a soldier, alone, sleeping on the floor of a small apartment. The room was dark, save for a few lit candles; few personal effects lined the mantle. The sight of the lonely soldier made him weep. However, the soldier, who woke while Santa stood over him, assured the gift-giver that the life was one he had chosen and held no ill will toward his fellow man. The scene was a somber reminder for all that Veterans -- both on foreign soil and back home in the States -- tend to get overlooked during the holiday season. While residents enjoy the holidays together, it's important to remember that some servicemen and women don't have anyone to spend the holidays with. It was a striking scene, and it was executed beautifully. LHS's Drama troupe successfully turned history into an emotional experience, portraying iconic moments and characters that occurred during the WWII era, solidifying the tribute to the "Greatest Generation."