Christian Peterson
Rumors have been circulating that schools in the tri-county area are continuing to administer Florida Statewide Assessment (FSA) testing, even though it has been replaced by the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST). While these rumors are true, there is an explanation behind it. Students who are graduating in the years 2023 and 2024 are still required to pass the FSA and all their End of Course (EOC) assessments. This is involved in the phasing out process necessary to move from FSA to the FAST program. It allows students who began the process of the FSA to complete what they know, while also allowing new students, who have no past with the FSA, to move on to the new program. This makes it so students won’t be confused by a switch in testing in the middle of their school career. Concerned parents are free to contact their child’s school principal for further clarification.