Since the arrival of COVID, there is no doubt it has greatly impacted our lives. Some people have suffered economically, while others suffered relationally by not getting to see their loved ones. Some were extremely sick and were blessed to recover, while others lost their lives or lost loved ones.
COVID has raised many questions about our life. Should we wear a mask or no? Get the vaccine or no? Stay inside the house or go out and live life normally? These are all the questions and decisions we are currently faced with.
While we all have different experiences and different questions about this virus, the one thing COVID has done for all of us is remind us of the finality of life. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that death is an appointment we will all keep, but during this time, it would help us to remember that God is the one who has the appointment book and He's the one who has the final say.
When we die, it will not be an accident or by chance; the Bible makes it clear that our lives are in God's hands. God knew the exact day and time of our death even before we were born.
"A person's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed." – Job 14:5 (NIV)
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." – Psalm 139:16 (NLT)
Discussions like this can get confusing to some.
I say God knows when I will die. He has it written in the Book. Others say, "But God gave you free will (such as to not drink and drive or to wear a mask or get the vaccine)." And yes … yes, He did! But I believe that all my "free will" decisions are also written in the Book and He already knew (52 years ago) which decisions I would make. Thus, my death day and time still remain the same.
Does that mean that we all can go around living dangerously? No! Not at all! For doing stupid things, such as drinking and driving, is (to me) immorally wrong and I should not do it! It is not "What Jesus would do" and so I don't believe we should do it. It also causes harm (more often than not) to other people. It is those free-will actions that made someone else's death day and time be written. God KNEW you were going to make that free-will choice and because of that it pre-determined someone else's death date.
But it disturbs me greatly to hear the name-calling and finger-pointing about/at people that do not live, in today's society, as some others think they should. We all have our opinions … abortion, gun-control, divorce, homosexuality, etc. … just because I don't wear a mask and not getting the vaccine does not make me the one spreading the virus. (In fact, it seems very odd to me that, within the last several months, millions of Americans have gotten the vaccine and within the exact same last several months another outbreak has occurred with different variants formed. But that's a different subject matter all-together).
I understand that COVID is a real virus and I understand that some people have died after contracting it. However, my point is, even the hairs on my head are numbered (Luke 12:7) and God knows how many hairs I have. There is not another single person on this Earth, living or dead, that have my fingerprints. He (God) really is THAT good! So, I should not be so afraid of what today may hold, for God already knows. He has it written in the Book. He has me in the palm of His hands. He already knows my death day and exact time!
So, just make sure that when your roll is called up yonder – you'll be there!