There will probably never again be such a glaring difference between presidential candidates, than in this coming election. In one corner is Donald J. Trump the champion of private sector job creation and in the other corner is Joe Biden the 50 year career politician who champions government dependence, where individuals’ self-esteem fades.
For the eight (8) years that Biden/Obama were in charge of the executive branch of our Government, they managed to increase the Welfare/Food Stamp rolls by a whopping 50% or around 12 to 14 million new government dependents. That was a huge failure on their part that led, to a tremendous loss to our nation’s productivity. Those 8 years were an economic disaster for our country. I still can remember Obama chirping about fundamentally changing our country. Change is kind of a relative term, because there can be a bad change. Can you remember Obama proclaiming that the manufacturing jobs lost during the 8 years of the Biden/Obama administration, were lost for good? In other words they threw in the towel and gave up hope on US manufacturing jobs.
Or there can be a good change. In 2016, Donald Trump won the Presidency and the defeatists left the White House, on January 20, 2017. A new economic powerhouse took over the reins, just before the mess left behind by Biden/Obama carried the country over the economic cliff that they had created! During Trump’s first 3 ½ years, 7.2 million new private sector jobs returned to the US economy, and almost 7 million people left the Welfare/Food Stamp rolls, due to the implementation of Trump’s economic strategies. This consisted basically of lowering tax rates on employers and workers and removing most of the regulations that had been strangling the private sector! Many of the new jobs created were manufacturing jobs. Even though Trump’s predecessors had declared that manufacturing jobs were dead in the United States.
It was hard to find unhappy US working people during Trump’s first 3 ½ years, because they all had more take home pay in their pockets. This was due to Trunp’s tax reductions, which enabled them to keep more of what they earned! Trump felt like it is way better to create new taxpayers, with new jobs, than to put new larger taxes on Job Creators, which would have caused more layoffs and more government dependents, just like it did under Biden/Obama. If you think that increasing taxes on Job Creators is a good idea like Joe Biden says he will do upon being elected. I for one would like to hear your concise/coherent economic argument supporting that economic theory. How would that encourage Employers to rush out and hire new private sector employees? Here is a hint! You cannot answer this with a coherent economic answer and neither can Joe Biden. Biden likes government dependence he thinks by keeping people down, he is building a large dependable voting block he can count on! Trump on the other hand likes self-sufficiency, by creating even more new private sector jobs! Which candidate do you think will benefit the American workers livelihood the best? This includes, both current and future workers and their families well being.
It is your choice on November 3rd! Choose wisely!
Steven Rissman