By American Patriots Contributor
American Patriots is a new, grassroots group of people who love our country and are concerned about the direction it is going. Our goal is to be a positive public presence and to strongly support the U.S. Constitution. Our group supports local law enforcement, the American family and our Constitution.
Join us on Saturday, April 17, at 2 p.m. at the Live Oak Garden Club. Connect with others who have come together, across boundaries, to work for the good of our community and our nation. Our speaker will be Chris Philpot of "Florida Gun Carry," a non-profit, grass roots movement that is working to protect gun rights.
Suwannee County American Patriots group has been meeting monthly since September 2020. Our group has grown and has become informed and active in county and local affairs. Individuals in our group regularly attend school board meetings, city council meetings and Suwannee County council meetings.
Many local and county officials have given presentations such as Sheriff Sam St. John, Chief Deputy Buddy Williams and Suwannee County Councilman Travis Land. We were fortunate to have Turning Point USA District Representative, Browning Sandusky and FSU Chapter's Dillon Harrell tell us about the work they are doing to keep young people informed. Turning Point USA has met with a local young man to start a chapter in our own county.
Again, join in the discussion with fellow American Patriots at the Live Oak Garden Club, Saturday, April 17, at 2 p.m..