Wow - one week gone by. And what a week it was. We got our first “new” paper out. The staff pulled together with flying colors and we did it!
We try our best to be perfect, but sometimes there are some things that slip by. So, if you saw any printing errors, I apologize. My parents always taught me, “Everyone makes mistakes; but the newspaper just prints theirs for the whole world to see.” So, please always remember. .... we try hard, but we’re human too.
I think I’ll move into a new town every few months. The welcome I am still receiving has been bountiful.
Lots of folks are dropping by, and I’m meeting a lot of new people. I’ve really enjoyed hitting the streets and going door to door to meet the citizens and merchants of Suwannee, Lafayette and Hamilton counties.
I would still like to encourage anyone, and everyone, who has any story ideas to please call and let us know. We would also love to cover your event, whether it’s a meeting or a community event; please give Bryant a call and let him know what is happening in your neighborhood.
Laura and Jennifer are hard at work selling the advertising for the newspaper. Study after study has proven that consumers look to newspapers more than any other media for their source of advertising knowledge. This means that when looking for sales and knowledge on merchants, more people look to a newspaper than to the television, radio, Internet or mail orders. It has also been proven that the percentage of what a person remembers when they read is substantially higher than the percentage of what they remember when they see it. Which proves, once again, that it is better to advertise in the newspaper than on television and the radio.
Jennifer is also in charge of the circulation and subscriptions. So, if anyone is interested in subscribing to your new, hometown newspaper, the Riverbend News, please contact Jennifer at (386) 364-4141.
Our “lay-out” department consists of Dee and Amy. Dee is the production manager who is building ads and laying the paper out and making sure it gets to press, while Amy is helping from time to time, building ads, when needed.
Monja is serving in the capacity of general manager and is also in charge of bookkeeping. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to give her a call.
Getting a newspaper out on the streets every week is certainly a joint effort, and I’m very proud to be a part of this new “family.” They certainly pull together and do what has to be done in order to get the job done.
Coming to work to the Riverbend News is certainly a joy and a new dream come true.
Please call any of the Riverbend News staff if you have any needs, concerns or ideas. They are all very dedicated to their job and looking forward to serving and helping you. We all take great pride in brining you, our friends, your local, hometown news!
We are offering subscriptions for $35 a year; $25 a year for e-pub only; or $50 a year for both print and e-pub. We have been having problems with our website but hope to be up and running by week’s end. Be sure to stay in touch with us on and make sure to “like” our Facebook page as well. A great addition we will be adding is our free twice weekly newsletter which, we will be starting in a few weeks. If you are interested in that please let us know by sending your email to
For more information, please call us at (386) 364-4141.