After Dawson Jackson's letter to the editor, I decided, it's time to write my own letter. But first let me respond to Mr. Jackson because it just seems we are still into name calling and judging. My question is, "why?" Why can't you be you and let me be me? You don't know me. There's no way you can know how/what I think. So, instead of me being a better Republican or a registered Democrat-why can't I just be an American citizen-with all of the rights and privileges designated in the Constitution of the United States which declares, "we hold these truths to be evident that all men are created equal?" As an unclassified American I have a right to vote as I chose, worship as I choose, to speak without fear etc. I even have a right to elect those whom I believe will represent me on the federal level where laws are to be made for the betterment of the whole country.
I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Jackson's statement in reference to the time to turn off the news and "think." Truly America is a great country. Why would so many people in other countries do just about anything to get to America, (which by the way, is how/why all of us who were not brought over on slave ships, without their consent) came to be American, we all came from somewhere else. But this great country didn't just pop-up great. It was made great through trials, errors, failures, successes, time and mostly by the grace of God and people of all races and nationalities. Describing its greatness, Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "America is great because it is good, if/when it ceases to be good, it will cease to be great."
We, all of its people, are America. Without us America would be a vast body of land-so, yes, it is time to think. It is also time to set aside this great division we have created. It is time to recognize that, for one thing, we are all created in the image of God who, by the way, is not a respecter of person. Another thing, we were all created for a purpose and we are all going to die. So, in the meantime, why can't/don't we forget about ourselves, put aside our personal agendas, try to live in peace with each other and, yes, be thankful for the Blessings of Liberty, Justice and Equality for all. God Bless America.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Higginbotham
Jasper, Fla.