Christian Peterson
On Thursday, Dec. 19, the Jasper City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting began with the approval of the agenda. The council then called for public comment, to which there was no response. After that, the council moved on to its consent items. It then approved the Thursday, Nov. 21, meeting minutes,
the November checks, the council meeting schedule for the 2025 fiscal year and the holiday schedule for the 2025 fiscal year. The council then turned to a highlight of the evening: swearing in of Dan Bennett as the Jasper Police Department Chief.
After receiving updates from City Manager Mark Meyers, the council turned to director's reports. First was the finance department, which reported that there was $3.1 million in the operating fund and $7.2 million total in the bank. Next up was the police department report, which had a total of 456 calls resulting in 72 reports and 27 arrests. Finally, the fire department stood up to report that it only had to respond to two fire calls.
The council then moved on to new business, starting with a request to purchase two bypass/dewatering pumps, flanges and hose from Hydra Service, Inc., at $76,900. The town already owned two and was in need of two more due to the storms earlier in the year. It was explained that, during the last couple storms, the city was required to rent the pumps and it had cost between $30,000 to $40,000 to rent just for two weeks. The council agreed the items were needed and approved the purchase. The council then set Thursday, Jan. 30, at 5:30 p.m. as the date for the Code Compliance workshop.
The council then called for council comments. Each of the council members took the time to wish everyone a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” Then, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular Jasper City Council meeting will be held on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. in Jasper City Hall, located at 208 Hatley St. W.