- Hand sanitizer
- Backpack
- Nap mat
- Small cover for mat
- 1 bottle of school glue
- Elastic waistband on all pants, shorts and skorts
- No belts or belt loop
- Tennis shoes
- Hand sanitizer
- Backpack
- 2 fine tip black dry erase markers
- Scissors (rounded/ Blunt tip)
- Elastic waistband on all pants, shorts and skorts
- 2- 10 pack of #2 pencils
- Cap erasers
- Primary Composition book
- 2- 2 pack of glue sticks
Grade 1
- Hand sanitizer
- Backpack
- #2 pencils
- Glue sticks
- Scissors (rounded/ blunt tip)
- 2 composition notebooks, 1 spiral bound 1 subject notebook
- Pencil box
- 2 black dry fine tip erase markers
Grade 2
- Hand sanitizer
- Pencil pouch
- 12 pack of #2 pencils
- Scissors (rounded/blunt tip)
- Wide-ruled composition notebook (no spirals)
- Backpack
- 3- black dry erase markers
- 2- glue sticks
Grade 3
- Backpack
- 2- 10 pack of #2 pencils
- 1 bottle of glue
- Scissors (rounded/ blunt tip)
- 2- spiral bound 1 subject notebooks or composition notebooks
- 2 packs of 4 expo markers
- Pencil box
- Wide ruled notebook paper
Grade 4
- Hand sanitizer
- Glue sticks
- 2 packs of 4 black dry erase markers
- 2- 10 pack of #2 pencils
- Scissors (rounded/ blunt tip)
- 4- composition notebooks
- folder dividers
- 1- 1 ½ – 2 inch 3 ring binder heavy duty
- Wide ruled notebook paper
- Heavy duty page protectors
- Pack of highlighters
- Folder dividers
- Pencil pouch
- Backpack
Grade 5
- Hand sanitizer
- 1 pack of headphones
- 2 black dry erase markers
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 2- 10 pack of #2 pencils
- Glue sticks
- Scissors (rounded/ blunt tip)
- 2 composition notebooks
- Wide ruled notebook paper
- 1- 3 subject spiral notebook
- 1- 1 subject notebook
- Backpack
- Highlighter
- Pencil pouch
Wish List Items for All Grade Levels
- Extra hand sanitizer
- Extra dry erase markers
- Ziploc bags
- Extra crayons
- Tissues
- Extra #2 pencils
- Disinfecting wipes
**These supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year, so it may be helpful to purchase additional items. Teachers may request additional items not on list.**