Danny Federico
The sun is getting brighter, the air is getting warmer, and the school year has drawn to an end. You know what that means: summer vacation is here! This also means many churches are gearing up to hold vacation Bible schools (VBS) – week-long programs filled with fun activities geared toward teaching youth about the word of God. Most VBS programs have a set theme for the week, and lessons that teach about a specific verse of the day.
Riverbend News would like to share these programs happening in the tri-county area in our upcoming VBS Community Calendar. If your church will be hosting a VBS, please reach out to Danny Federico at reporter3.riverbendnews@gmail.com or call (386) 364-4141.
Here's what's going on so far!
Journey Church of Mayo
“Summer Fun Nights”
Now-Aug. 1
6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Register at https://www.facebook.com/share/neNK7apzdfDuAN2c/
796 W Main St., Mayo, Fla.
(386) 208-2461
Hatchbend Apostolic Church
“Grounded in Truth”
Aug. 1-2, 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Aug. 3 (water day), 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Register at https://hac.breezechms.com/form/eb406933576
503 SE Cephas Liston Rd., Branford, Fla.
(386) 935-2806
Burlington Santa Fe Church of Christ
Aug. 3
9 a.m.
4393 US Hwy 27, Branford, Fla.
(386) 935-1532